Last update PvD.

TMN Contents

The document consists of many –relatively small– chapters.  Larger chapters are split into separate files according to their sections.
Most chapters start with an Introduction also containing further references, and end with a Summary containing back references.
You may skip any section and click on a 'hyperlink' to go to the desired section in a chapter.  To facilitate sequential reading, each section ends with a hyperlink to the next section or chapter.

  1. Introduction

    It describes the characteristics and trends of telecommunication, and the relevance of TMN for networks.

    1. Introduction
    2. What is Telecom
    3. Need for Management Systems
    4. Summary
  2. Logical Layered Architecture (LLA)

    A characterisation of the TMN hierarchical layers illustrated by some typical management 'views' on a network as a TMN system may provide.  This section supplies easy and fast insight in TMN.

    1. Introduction (LLA)
    2. Network Element Layer (NEL)
    3. Element Management Layer (EML)
    4. Network Management Layer (NML)
    5. Service Management Layer (SML)
    6. Business Management Layer (BML)
    7. Summary
  3. Management Functional Areas (MFA)

    The functions of a TMN defined in a vertical way (i.e. independent of layering), also known as FCAPS.

    1. Introduction (MFA)
    2. Fault Management (FM)
    3. Configuration Management (CM)
    4. Accounting Management (AM)
    5. Performance Management (PM)
    6. Security Management (SM)
    7. General Management
    8. MFA versus LLA
    9. Summary
  4. TMN Concepts

    The basics on management concepts, 'objects', manager/agent-relationships, MIBs and interfaces.

    1. Managed Object
    2. Information Model
    3. Agent Functionality
    4. Manager Functionality
    5. Management Application Function
    6. Manager/Agent Relationship
    7. Management Communication
    8. Management Information Base
    9. Shared Management Knowledge
    10. Cascading
    11. Peer to Peer
    12. Summary
  5. Generic Components & Interfaces

    The basic building blocks, interfaces and information interchange used by TMN.

    1. TMN Function Blocks
    2. Reference Points
    3. References in the Layered Architecture
    4. Data Communication
    5. The q3-Reference Point
    6. MIB
    7. SNMP
    8. TL1
    9. Summary
  6. System Management Functions (SMFs)

    A number of general functions not related to a particular TMN functional area or hierarchical layer, but basically applicable anywhere.

  7. Interworking

    Aspects of and interfaces for interworking.

    1. Introduction
    2. Domains: partitions in networks
    3. Customer / Provider - relationship
    4. Service Interactions
    5. Contract
    6. Customer Network Management
    7. Interworking schemes
    8. Summary
  8. Miscellaneous

    Various subjects and issues.

  9. Standards

    1. Issues
    2. Priorities
    3. Conformance
    4. Organisations
    5. Bibliography of Standards

Next section Introduction
To Index
To Prologue
