| Browser info |
(obj) | indicates that the attribute refers to an object |
(#) | the attribute refers to a collection; the right column shows the current number of elements |
name() | indicates that this is an object Method, potentially with parameters |
italics | indicate that it is not a standard atribute (typically MS-IE) |
Document (file/page) | |
anchors (#) | |
applets (#) | |
embeds (#) | |
forms (#) | |
images (#) | |
layers (#) | |
links (#) | |
namespaces(#) | |
scripts (#) | |
styleSheets (#) | |
body (tag) | |
cookie | |
doctype (obj) | |
documentElement (tag) | |
documentMode (IE version) | |
compatMode | |
designMode (editable) | |
documentURI | |
URL | |
URLUnencoded | |
baseURI | |
domain | |
domConfig | |
title | |
fileCreatedDate | |
fileModifiedDate | |
lastModified | |
fileSize | |
characterSet, charset | |
defaultCharset | |
inputEncoding | |
dir (text direction) | |
expando | |
implementation (obj) | |
protocol | |
referrer | |
parentWindow (frame) | |
XMLdocument | |
XSLdocument | |
(XML) localName | |
(XML local name) prefix | |
namespaceURI | |
xmlEncoding | |
xmlVersion | |
xmlStandalone | |
(SVG) rootElement | |
textContent | |
uniqueID | |
readyState | |
defaultView | |
activeElement | |
head | |
fgColor (foregrnd) | |
bgColor (backgrnd) | |
linkColor | |
alinkColor (active) | |
vlinkColor (visited) | |
queryCommandEnabled | |
strictErrorChecking | |
Location | |
protocol | |
port | |
host | |
hostname | |
path | |
href | |
hash # | |
search ? | |
Navigator | |
appCodeName | |
appName | |
appVersion | |
appMinorVersion | |
cookieEnabled | |
cpuClass | |
javaEnabled() | |
taintEnabled() | |
language | |
browserLanguage | |
systemLanguage | |
userLanguage | |
geolocation | |
onLine | |
platform | |
product | |
plugins (#) | |
userAgent (header) | |
msDoNotTrack | |
msManipulationViewsEnabled | |
msMaxTouchpoints | |
msPointerEnabled | |
History | |
history obj | |
Screen | |
availHeight | |
availWidth | |
colorDepth | |
pixelDepth | |
height | |
width | |
bufferDepth | |
deviceXDPI | |
deviceYDPI | |
fontSmoothingEnabled | |
updateInterval | |
Window | |
closed | |
defaultStatus | |
document (obj) | see Document |
location (obj) | see Location |
frames (#) | |
name (frame) | |
navigator (obj) | see Navigator |
history (obj) | see History |
innerHeight | |
outerHeight | |
innerWidth | |
outerWidth | |
pageXOffset | |
pageYOffset | |
screenLeft | |
screenTop | |
screenX | |
screenY | |
opener | |
parent (obj) | |
self | |
status | |
top | |
alert() | click here |
confirm() | click here |
prompt() | click here |
Other methods: setInterval, clearInterval; setTimeout, clearTimeout; resizeBy, resizeTo; scrollBy, scrollTo; focus, blur |
See also //www.whatismybrowser.com.