For my own purposes —making web pages— I have studied the RFCs on HTML and Style-Sheets, and studied & done some exercises on scripting. The results are:
Games (alleen in het Engels, maar je hoeft de taal niet te kennen om toch te kunnen spelen)
Tic-Tac-Toc game (Dutch: 'Boter, Kaas en Eieren', 'Kruisje-Nulletje').
An exercise in scripting (JavaScript) and Dynamic HTML (DHTML). Play against the computer; in 2D you should be able to win occasionally, in 3D I don't give you much of a chance.
Sudoku This can help you to solve a Sudoku puzzle, or you can play a generated game.
Game generation for a 13 squares game doesn't work yet.
Info / Calculations
Cursus Internet Browsen (Dutch only)
Een korte cursus voor beginners in het 'bladeren' op internet.
Conditie (Dutch only)
Berekeningen voor trainingszones via hartslag, Body Mass Index (Quintillex) en (hardloop-)snelheid afhankelijk van de afstand.
Date Calculations (Eng.)
Determine the day on a date, add or subtract dates, calculate interval between dates, determine Easter for a year, generate a calendar. Plus background and history.
Network calculations (Eng.)
Calculate file transfer or VoIP delay across a packet switched network. The protocol stack and the network are configurable.
Place look-up (Dutch and English)
Locate places (towns/villages/hamlets/districts) in The Netherlands.
Vind plaatsen (steden/dorpen/gehuchten/wijken) in Nederland.